Gas prices up as geopolitical tensions increase
European gas prices rebounded strongly yesterday, inflated by the rise in the risk premium on the Ukrainian crisis. Indeed, after...
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European gas prices rebounded strongly yesterday, inflated by the rise in the risk premium on the Ukrainian crisis. Indeed, after...
The ACCC publishes the LNG netback price series as one of the measures to improve transparency of gas prices in...
According to Bloomberg (13 February) the “US Is Exporting Every Molecule of LNG Possible”, due to the crisis in Europe...
Ready to go: Calcasieu Pass fires up for LNG exports, with the first cargo to be loaded in days. Feedgas...
The average price of spot LNG cargoes for delivery to Japan contracted in January 2022 and scheduled to be delivered...
????????????????????????: Imports reached ????.???????? metric tonnes in January, a record high and a month-on-month jump of 40% according to ICIS...
Since the runup to $60 gas prices in mid-December, international benchmarks have steadily fallen, with the European TTF having spent...
The ACCC publishes the LNG netback price series as one of the measures to improve transparency of gas prices in...
To save your time, here is just a short brief. Actually, it will be enough to run through the graphs...
If you pay the price, the LNG will come. This afternoon (January 26) European LNG imports reached a record monthly...
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