North Asian LNG imports rose through 2020
Notwithstanding COVID-19, LNG imports by North Asian countries, Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan, increased by 2.5% to a total of...
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Notwithstanding COVID-19, LNG imports by North Asian countries, Japan, China, Korea and Taiwan, increased by 2.5% to a total of...
The Open Season for additional regasification capacity at the Zeebrugge LNG terminal has successfully been closed. During the binding window...
Energy markets remain in disarray this morning as brutally cold weather keeps its grip on much of the central and...
Qatar’s move to sanction the $30 billion North Field Expansion project puts the country on track to return as the...
In 2020 Sakhalin Energy produced and shipped a record amount of liquefied natural gas (LNG): 178.6 standard cargos (one standard...
The big freeze: The polar vortex squeezed the US gas market, driving regional hub prices to triple digit, record highs...
Each new month shows how globalized natgas market really is and how changing fundamentals in one region affect the others....
Qatar takes FID on its giant LNG expansion project, 4 megtrains with a total capacity of close to 33 mtpa...
European imports are forecast to be lower in 2021 than in 2020 as the region rebalances following two years of...
Daily review of natural gas prices - Henry Hub, JKM, TTF - and key market events Gas Prices at the...
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