Gas trading and hub liquidity decline across key markets
Looming liquidity: gas trading and hub liquidity declined across all key gas markets in 2022, amidst record price volatility and...
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Looming liquidity: gas trading and hub liquidity declined across all key gas markets in 2022, amidst record price volatility and...
The beginning of 2023 has shown some reversal in LNG import trends seen last year. Weakness in European gas markets...
The Northeast Asian assessed spot LNG price JKM for the previous week (30 January - 3 February) remained flat on...
So the real Freeport LNG please ramp-up: feedgas flows to Freeport are surging as the plant nears start-up. According to...
The Northeast Asian assessed spot LNG price JKM for the previous week (23 January - 27 January) fell for three...
Natural gas prices tumbled by over 40% across key gas markets in January, amidst unseasonably mild weather. In Europe, TTF...
Did Europe's surging LNG demand in 2022 boost global spot LNG trade? Actually no. Preliminary ICIS cargo-by-cargo LNG analysis indicates...
Despite all the wild price swings and record volatility, global gas price correlation remained strong in 2022, highlighting the increasingly...
Henry Hub prices dipped below the $3/mmbtu mark today, for the first time since May21. Unseasonably mild winter is to...
Mauritania/Senegal is on track to begin LNG exports by the end of this year as BP's floating production, storage and...
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